This pastor appreciation series was a week long series that featured one group of pastors each day. The series utilized framed elements, cutout photography, handwritten typography, repeating type background and a torn wrinkled paper texture.
Wallpaper Wednesday
Wallpaper Wednesday was a chance to try unique styles and different techniques. I was also able to experiment and grow my skills using different programs including Photoshop and Procreate.
I designed and formatted the mid-week update template to serve as a means to get information about upcoming events to followers. The second slide of the template features a video of a staff member sharing news about events. The last two slides would change each week to feature a large event or series and share an encouraging scripture that correlated to the current sermon series.
I collaborate with my team to conceptualize, film and edit the reels below. I utilize various Adobe programs including, but not limited to, After Effects, Premiere, Illustrator and more.
The below posts were made correlating with various series and looks of Community Bible Church's social media page. The page's aesthetic and style fluctuates to adapt to and correlate with the current sermon series.
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