Utilizing CBC (Community Bible Church) Kids' color palette and fonts, I designed and curated murals and mural elements to best serve the kids' space. Then, I coordinated with a muralist who painted and executed the murals.
Community Bible Church's Kids Ministry was undergoing some locational changes. The below signage utilized the Kids Ministries' pre-existing color palette in addition to the graphic assets I developed. I created directional signage to assist guests in knowing about these changes in an effort to make things flow as smoothly as possible.
Weekly Rhythms
Community Bible Church's Kids team wanted a way to communicate weekly events. I created a 4x4 card, along with social media posts and stories, to help them promote their events.
Our Kids ministry was seeking some assistance in managing their social media. I made a bank of assets that the Kids ministry could utilize in their social media, print materials and more. In addition to graphic assets, I made numerous editable templates that the ministry could adjust to fit their needs.
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